Join Our Volunteer Family!
Volunteering is easy! Choose a volunteer opportunity below, contact us, and you will be sent an application. Once your application is processed, your first day will be scheduled. You will then receive a link to our volunteer scheduling site.
How often you volunteer is completely up to you – volunteer every week, month, and more! Thank you for serving alongside us!

God’s Kitchen Lunch Service
Monday-Saturday, 11:00AM – 2:30PM
Serving up to 300 lunches a day! Volunteers support lunch service with food preparation, packing, serving, and clean up. Individuals and groups are welcome!

Home-Delivered Meals
Monday & Wednesday, 10:30AM – 11:30AM
Over 1,300 meals a month are delivered to home-bound individuals! Volunteer to be a home meal delivery driver.

St. Gianna’s No Cost Baby Boutiques
Help families shop during boutique hours or sort, organize, and merchandise donations during close. Individuals and groups are welcome!

Senior Programs
Provide support and companionship to those in need in your community with a variety of services with AmeriCorps Seniors and One Township at a Time.

Special Events
We host various activities & fundraisers throughout the year that need your help to succeed! View our events to learn more.

Bowl Painting Party
Support God’s Kitchen and Paint a bowl for our Soup’s On For All! annual fundraiser. All attendees receive a unique, hand painted bowl in which to sample soups throughout the event. All proceeds support God’s Kitchen programs.
Volunteers provide the priceless gift of their work, time, and heart to the programs of Catholic Charities West Michigan. There are opportunities for all individuals, families, and groups to provide help and create hope for those in need.
Ready to get involved and have questions? Reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator today!

Bowl Painting Party Request Form
Bowl Painting parties are easy, fun, and do not require special talent or creativity to participate! We supply the bowls, art supplies, and directions to ensure you and your group have everything you need for your gathering. Bowls are $10 each to donate, $15 to keep your bowl, and $20 to both donate one and to keep one. Full payment is due upon return of your painted bowls and remaining art supplies. To get started, simply complete the request form below. Once you have submitted your form, your pick-up date will be confirmed!